Activate an authorisation filter definition

Activate the correct filters for each authorisation group.


Always change the authorisation per role/authorisation group. In Profit, you can also change the authorisation per user, but this does not benefit clarity.

To activate filters for authorisation groups:

  1. Go to: General / Management / Authorisation tool.
  2. Go to the tab: Group maintenance.
  3. Select the user group.
  4. Go to the tab: Authorisation.
  5. Go to: General / Management / Definition / Filters.

    You can activate two types of filters:

    • General - Execute definition (report, analysis, document, etc.)
    • General - Manage definition (report, analysis, document, etc.)

    The first filter type relates to viewing data, the second to management functions (changing, deleting or adding definitions).

  6. Record the filters.
    • Select the filter.

  7. Close the Authorisation tool. You do not need to log in again.

To test the filter:

Directly to

  1. Authorise definitions using filter authorisation
  2. Set definition category
  3. Add definition group
  4. Link definition group to definitions
  5. Set authorisation filter for Definition group
  6. Activate definition authorisation filter