Authorise definitions using filter authorisation

With filter authorisation you can limit the access of users to definitions. If a user has access to a certain function, he also has access to all the definitions available via this function. With filter authorisation you can limit access to definitions.

In this section you add an authorisation filter and link several reports. The procedure is the same for analyses and documents.


The group Financieel gebruik has access to Financial / Output / Report. If you do not apply filter authorisation to definitions (reports), this group can view all the reports. However, this is not desirable. You want the employees to use only reports relevant to their job. You can achieve this with filter authorisation:

  • Debtor monitoring employees can only see debtor reports.
  • Creditor monitoring employees can only see creditor reports.
  • General financial employees can also view ledger reports.

Managers are part of the Financieel beheer group and can, for example, also view balance sheet overviews.



With this type of authorisation you use the definition properties. The most important definition properties are:

  • Definition group and definition category

    You can add your own definition groups and definition categories and you can specify how to apply them.

  • Owner

    You filter by owner if only the owner of a definition is allowed to use it. Other users do not have access.

  • Function group

    The function groups have been predefined in Profit and match processes such as Debtor and Fixed assets in Profit Financieel and Dossier in Profit CRM.

You enter an authorisation filter for this data and activate it for the correct authorisation group. The filter authorisation also affects reports, analyses, documents and views.

You can also filter by other properties, such as Product, Type of definition andDescription.

Extended example

This example refers to the HRM gebruik authorisation group. Based on the menu authorisation, this authorisation group can view analyses, documents and reports. Access to analyses, reports and documents is further limited by filter authorisation:

  • The definition group HRG is linked to certain reports, analyses and documents.
  • A universal filter has been created in the Authorisation tool: Definition group = HRG.
  • This filter is activated for the HRM gebruik authorisation group.
  • As a result the authorisation group HRM gebruik can view all the reports, analyses and documents that the HRG definition group is linked to.



The authorisation of views is explained separately.