Link definition group to definition

Link the right definition group to each definition.


You cannot change the contents of the definitions supplied, such as reports and analyses. You can, however, change the definition properties (meta-data).

Link definition group to definition:


This procedure does not apply to views.

  1. Go to: the appropriate function:
    • General / Output / Management / Report
    • General / Output / Management / Analysis
    • General / Output / Management / Document
    • General / Output / Management / GetConnector
    • General / Management / Entry layout
    • For a view you go to the function and open the view.

    Profit shows the most important definition data in the view: Function group, Owner and Definition group.

  2. Select the definition.
  3. Click on the action: Definition.
  4. Select the definition group.

  5. Click on: OK

Directly to

  1. Authorise definitions using filter authorisation
  2. Set definition category
  3. Add definition group
  4. Link definition group to definitions
  5. Set authorisation filter for Definition group
  6. Activate definition authorisation filter