Authorise menu options
In Profit you can authorise based on menu items in the Start menu. The Start menu matches the menu in the menu bar. A user only has access to the menu items for which you have authorised him.
The menu contains default menu options for adding and deleting environments and for making and restoring backups.
The users may, however, not perform these actions, they may only open an environment. That is why you only authorise this menu option. The Information menu item is always available.
First authorise the groups, then set the deviations per user. You can copy the menu authorisation of a group or user to another group or user.
Effective rights
The effective rights for the menu consist of the sum of all the group rights of the user and any deviations at user level. You can expand the rights at user level, but you cannot limit them.
- Authorise group for menu items
- You can create a menu (user menu) per group.
- Authorise deviating user menu items
Per user, you determine the menu options the user has access to.
- Check user menu
After recording the authorisation at the menu level, you can check it per user.
- Copy menu from a group or user
For a group or user you can copy the menu from another group or user.