Licence and count of licence numbers

You need a licence to use Profit. Your licence determines:

  • The Profit functionality that you are allowed to use.
  • The maximum number of environments.

    You can use a maximum of 10 environments in Profit Small Business. In other versions of Profit the maximum number depends on your licence.

  • The maximum number of users.
  • The maximum number of employees.


Your licence is valid for a maximum of one year. Profit checks if a new licence is available on the AFAS Customer Portal: and imports it automatically. This only happens when you have met all your payment obligations and the computer has an Internet connection. If automatic updating of the licence fails, you can download the licence file from the AFAS Customer Portal: manually and import it.


If the licence details change because Profit components have been added or deleted, you may have to reinstall the software and then convert the environments. To do this, perform the steps below:

  • Log on as administrator
  • Enter a new licence
  • Reinstall Profit  
  • Log back on as administrator
  • Convert environments

Maximum number of users

You are entitled to a certain number of users, employees, declarations etc. depending on your licence. This is the maximum number that you are allowed to use across all environments. If the same employee, declaration or user appears in multiple environments (a production environment and in a test environment for example), the user only counts once.


  • Susan, John and Martin are users in environment A. Susan, John and Martin are users in environment B. Because the same users appear in these environments, they count toward your licence once. In this situation there is, therefore, a total of 3 unique users.
  • Susan, John and Martin are users in environment A. Susan, Bart and Pascal are users in environment B. Susan appears in both environments, the other users are unique users. In this case, there are 5 unique users.
  • Susan, John and Martin are users in environment A. You create a test copy of this environment and you name this copied environment X. In this case there are 3 unique users. If you start adding test users to environment X, this creates new, unique users.

All users that you create, normal users and system users, count toward the licence. A normal user is linked to a person: these are your staff members who log on to Profit. System users are not linked to a person, but are used for Connectors and the Command Line Utility, for example. You determine the use of users and system users.

In addition to this, your licence entitles you to one user without access to Profit Windows and InSite, but with access to advanced options (for connectors and backups). A second user without access to Profit Windows / InSite and with access to advanced options does, therefore, count toward the licence.

Message: Your licence expires in xx days.

If you see this message, you must download and import a new licence.

  • In the case of a new installation you must always import the new licence manually; Profit will install the licence automatically for an extension.
  • No new licence will be made available if there are any outstanding invoices. This means that Profit cannot import the licence automatically and the message is displayed. If you have already paid, please contact the AFAS Customer Service department.
  • If your new licence is not imported automatically, you can import it yourself. This does not apply to AFAS Online. If you use AFAS Online, you have to submit an incident.

If you reach the maximum number of users, you can first try to reduce the number of current users. For example, you could delete or block test users and other extra users in test environments or delete or block users that no longer should have access to Profit (including former interns and temporary employees). You can remove duplicate user codes via user synchronisation. To reduce the number of users, you need to block or delete a user in all relevant environments.

Maximum number of employees

Your licence determines the maximum number of employees that you can record in Profit. Profit compares the maximum number of employees based on your licence with the number of employees in all environments.

An employee counts toward the licence count under the following conditions:

  • The Budget environment HRM/Payroll functionality is not activated in the environment.
  • The employee is not blocked.
  • The employee has a current contract and the Employee type field in the properties of the current contract contains one of the following values:
    • Member of staff
    • Entrepeneur - with salary
    • Placement - with salary
    • Expat

Applicants do not count toward the employee licence count. Employees that do not meet the above criteria, such as temporary staff, are not included in the count either.

If you reach the maximum number of employees, you can first try to reduce the number. Delete test environments or delete employees from test environments.

Maximum number of clients (tax)

You can block unused clients IB and Vpb (income tax and corporate tax) thru the client properties. Enable the field Blocked for license.

Maximum number of InSite/OutSite users

Separate counters are available for this. In the Authorisation tool you can specify per user whether this person is an InSite or OutSite user. The number of unique users is determined in the Central Login Environment.


Also see

  • View your licence

    The administrator can view, extend and manage the licence from the AFAS Customer Portal:.