New licence with conversion

If your new licence contains functionality that differs from the old licence, it's necessary to carry out a conversion.

Your application manager will carry out the conversion and then convert the environment(s). If a conversion is necessary, the environment can only be used once the conversion has been completed. Therefore, you sould import the licence and convert the environments immediately after.

To implement a new licence with changed functionality and convert the environment:

  1. Start Profit.
  2. Log on as Administrator.
  3. Go to: Management / Licence.

    A question is displayed.

  4. Click on: Yes.

    You are now asked if you want to implement the licence.

  5. Click on: Yes.

    You must now immediately convert to be able to work in Profit. The conversion can take some time. If you do not have the time for the conversion now, click on No and perform this procedure when you do have time available. Profit cannot be used until you have converted.

  6. Click on: Next.
  7. Click on: Finish.

    You are now going to convert the environment.

  8. Go to: Management / Environment Manager.
  9. Go to the tab: Environments.
  10. You see the names of the environments that are present.
  11. Select the environment(s) to be converted.
  12. Click on: Options.
  13. Select Retrieve status of selected environment to retrieve the version number and status of the environment(s).
  14. Click on: Conversion.

    You are now asked if you want to make a backup.

  15. Click on: Yes.


    Make a backup of your environment(s) before you start the conversion.

  16. Click on: Yes.
  17. Click on: OK.

Directly to

  1. Licence and count of licence numbers
  2. Extend or change a licence
  3. View the licence and the allowed number of users
  4. View the licence and numbers of users in all environments
  5. New licence with conversion
  6. Import a licence