AFAS Online email server conditions

You can send email messages from Profit to, for example, employees and customers. You can use the free AFAS Online email server or your own email server.

When you use the AFAS Online email server, a number of rules/conditions apply. AFAS checks whether you meet these conditions and will show this for each environment. If you do not meet the right conditions, emails that you send from Profit will not arrive or will end up in a spam folder. This may mean that payslips, invoices or other important documents are not delivered correctly. You will prevent this from happening by configuring the email server correctly.

Also see:

Our rules

Correctly configured SPF record

If you use the AFAS Online email server, we send emails on behalf of your sender. This means that the physical sender (AFAS) does not match the sender (you). The receiving mail server cannot validate the message due to this and refuse to accept the email. This is because there is no relationship between the physical sender (AFAS) and you as a customer (sender). By configuring an SPF record, you authorised the AFAS Online email server to email on behalf of your sender/domain. Contact your system administrator or your web hosting partner to create an SPF record for each sender/domain that you use in Profit.

If you have 10 or more included lookups, we recommend keeping this quantity to a minimum and, when possible, decrease it to a lower quantity. You can find more information about this here:

Only if you use DKIM do you not need an SPF record. However, it is allowed to combine DKIM with an SPF record.

Use an existing email sender

Send the emails from Profit on behalf of a valid domain (the section behind the @). You usually use a sender of the organisation for this such as It is important that you are the owner of this email address/domain. If this is not the case, the first step is to register a domain name. We cannot support you in this. You must arrange this outside Profit. A non-existing sender is often rejected by the receiving party because it is viewed as spam.

In addition, there are a few sender that you may not use. These are senders that you can never be the owner of such as:,, gmail, outlook, afas.afas,,,,,, enyoi.afas,,,,, and

A 'No-reply' address is a non-existing sender. If you want to use a no-reply address, at least ensure that the domain where the email comes from is valid. An additional disadvantage of a no-reply address is that, as the name already infers, you cannot receive replies to the messages. This means that you will not see which emails have arrived at the addressed parties. This means that you are missing out on the opportunity of rectifying incorrect email addresses.

You can read about where you can configure a sender in Profit everywhere in the Where in Profit do I configure the sender of an email message? article.

Check the status of your senders/domains

Check the status of your senders/domains yourself Do you have multiple environments? Check the status in each environment. Is the status Undertake action or Old SPF? Get started as soon as possible to resolve this situation.

  1. Open the properties of your environment via: General / Environment / Management / Properties.
  2. Go to the AFAS Online tab and open the line in which it says 'AFAS Online mail server'.
  3. In the Value field, you will see for each sender/domain whether you meet the conditions for using the AFAS Online email server.

    Please note:

    Is there a code in theValue field (for example: C79DC0078f98422BB6237F9B72215036)? The number of senders/domains is too large to show in one line. In this case, go to: General / Environment / Management / Omgevingslogboek and filter based on the code that is displayed in the Value field in the 'Reference' column.

The senders/domains will be referred to with one of the following statuses:

  • Good
    Sender and domain meet the conditions for use of the AFAS Online email server. You do not have to undertake action. Emails that you send from a sender/domain with this status, will be sent by the email server with the best reputation.

    If you have 10 or more included lookups, we recommend keeping this quantity to a minimum and, when possible, decrease it to a lower quantity. You can find more information about this here:

  • Undertake action

    Sender and domain do NOT meet the conditions for use of the AFAS Online email server.

    Check the issues above with regard to the SPF record and the sender email.

    Emails that you send from a sender/domain with this status, will be sent by an email server with not such a good reputation. Once you have correctly configured the email server, your sender/domain will be given the Good status and you will be on the email server with the best reputation. AFAS Online checks domains once every 12 hours and may implement changes.

  • Neutral

    The domain will be given this status if you send an email for the first time through this domain. Within 12 hours, AFAS Online will determine whether this domain will be given the Good or Undertake action status.

    Emails that you send from a sender/domain with this status, will be sent by the email server with a good reputation.

  • Old SPF

    You are still using the old SPF record:

    As from 2022, we will no longer support this SPF record anymore. Change the old SPF record to: Emails that you send from a sender/domain with this status, will still be sent by the email server with the best reputation until the end of the year. As from 2022, the SPF record will no longer be valid anymore. If you still have the old SPF record, you will arrive on the email server with the least good reputation.

  • N/A

    This means that the AFAS Online email server has not been used during the last 50 days. These conditions will then not apply. This usually means that you are using one of your own email servers.

Points of attention:

  • The domain will only be shown if it has been used during the past 50 days from the environment.
  • AFAS Online checks domains once every 12 hours and may implement changes thereafter in your environment.

Directly to

  1. Configure report e-mailing
  2. Change/add reports
  3. Authorise the e-mail configuration
  4. AFAS Online email server conditions
  5. Environment e-mail settings
  6. Set up a message template
  7. Configure e-invoicing
  8. Configure sales contacts for e-mailing and printing
  9. Configure purchase contacts for e-mailing and printing
  10. Allow the e-mailing of credit invoices using the Output wizard
  11. Translate supply report PDF file name
  12. Issue a report by e-mail