Configure e-mailing and printing for a sales contact
You record the basic configuration for e-mailing and printing reports for the sales contacts in the sales contact profile. You then record the sales contact's and contact's preference. Finally, for each report you can still deviate from this preference and, if necessary, add a different or an extra contact.
You can opt to e-mail most reports but always print quotations. In this case, record E-mail as the general preference for the sales contact. For the quotation, you set the deviating Print action in the properties of the sales contact.
- Change/add reports
- Authorisation for e-mailing reports
- Set the e-mail server and sender
- Change a message template
- Configure e-invoicing
- Set default reports in a sales contact profile
In the sales contact profile, you link the reports and message templates for each report type.
- Set a general preference for e-mailing or printing and a general contact for a sales contact
At the sales contact level, you can set a preference for e-mailing or printing. You also specify a preferred contact person for the sales contact.
- Record a deviating issue method and/or contact per report type
For the sales contact, you can deviate from the general settings for each report type. For example, here you can indicate that you always print a specific report or specify a deviating contact.
- Record a CC recipient per report type
U kunt rapporten die u verstrekt via de Output-wizard naast aan het contact ook als cc aan een ander contact bij de relatie verstrekken. Dit stelt u per rapporttype in.
- E-mail and/or print a report (usage)
You issue reports (quotations, orders, invoices, etc.) to your contacts by e-mail or you print them.
Also see
- Configure e-mailing and printing for purchase contacts
- Generate, e-mail and print quotations, sales orders, packing slips and invoices
- Invoice course invoices automatically (Profit CRM)
- E-mail and/or print account statements and reminders (after finalising them) (Profit Financial)
- Issue cost estimates and project invoices in bulk (Profit Projects)
- Invoice instalments and E-mail and/or print a manual project invoice for multiple administrations (Profit Projects)
- Invoice subscriptions in bulk (Profit Subscriptions)