Add a department as a contact

You can add a specific department as the contact for an organisation.

You also use this to register a delivery address for your own organisation, so you can let the purchase contact know the delivery address in a purchase order.


For persons, you cannot add departments on the Contact tab. This is only possible for organisations.


In the 'Karton BV' organisation, you are in contact with the 'Expeditie' department, which has a different address.

To add a contact of the Department type (or Delivery address) to an organisation:

  1. Go to: the organisation to which you want to add the contact, for example by selecting CRM / Organisation/person / Organisation/person.
  2. Open the properties of the relevant organisation, in this example .
  3. Go to the tab: Contacts.
  4. Click on: New
  5. Select the type of the contact you want to add, in this case Department with organisation.

    (In the case of a delivery address, select Delivery address).

  6. Click on: Next
  7. Enter the name of the department in Contact department. For example, Afdeling inkoop.

    (Or Afleveradres bedrijfsbureau).

  8. If necessary, select a different address. Initially the data of the organisation is displayed.
  9. For the contact of the Department type, specify if correspondence should be sent to the address and whether a preference for a medium to use for the correspondence has been indicated.
  10. Click on: Finish

Directly to

  1. Organisations and persons
  2. Set additional fields
  3. Organisations, persons and contacts in InSite
  4. Organisation
  5. Person
  6. Contact person
  7. Add a department as a contact
  8. View links