Deviating ledger account description per administration

The chart of accounts in Financial applies to all administrations within one environment. Thus you use one chart of accounts for all administrations. For Accountancy, but for non-Accountancy environments as well, you can record deviating ledger account descriptions per administration in one environment. This special functionality enables you to work with one environment containing multiple administrations and one chart of ledger accounts. This functionality gives you the flexibility to display a different ledger account description per administration.

Fin_Omschrijving grootboekrekening per administratie (10)

Thus, you can define clear descriptions (for the assistant accountant) for your bank account numbers, mortgages or revenue accounts per customer and thus per administration. This means you have better visual recognition of the ledger accounts when posting entries or viewing the reports from Financial. This allows you to process the entries and the administration of your customers in an efficient way.


This functionality does not concern HR. HR has its own chart of accounts.

Bear in mind when using this functionality that you are only changing the ledger account descriptions and not the account type. Just by giving it another name, a ledger account for liabilities does not become a ledger account for assets.




As an accountancy firm, it is often desirable to work with one administration per customer instead of one environment per customer. This is possible using the available special functionality that allows you to record deviating ledger account descriptions per administration.

You can record these deviating ledger account descriptions manually or you can import them.

The consequence of this in the daily use of Financial within an administration, is that the deviating ledger account descriptions are displayed for the administration in question. This means you have better visual recognition of the ledger accounts when posting entries or viewing the reports from Financial. For example, for bank entries, seeing the name and the account number provides certainty that the correct ledger account has been selected. The same applies to a revenue account if the revenue type is in the description.

In Financial, you see the deviating descriptions in:

  • all entry layouts of Financial
  • all views
  • output that Profit generates, such as reports, analyses and audit files
  • windows in which the configuration at the administration level takes place

Also see