View the financial turnover by debtor

You view a report of the financial turnover by debtor. The turnover is calculated on the basis of the financial entries with a sub-account of the 'Debtor' type and a ledger account of the 'Revenue' type.


In the properties of a report, the definition also shows an explanation of the report that tells you, among other things, what the counts or data are based on and who viewed this report last.

To view the financial turnover by debtor per year or per period:

  1. Go to: Financial / Output / Report.
  2. Open the report: 
    • Financial turnover per debtor per year (Profit)
    • Financiële omzet per debiteur jaar/periode (Profit)
    • Financiële omzet per crediteur per jaar (Profit)
    • Financiële omzet per crediteur jaar/periode (Profit)
  3. If applicable, enter the filter.

    When retrieving the report, enter a negative amount (with a minus sign) in the Amount +/- field. The overview will however show positive amounts.

Example: of financial turnover by debtor with annual turnover >= € xxx.

If you want to see an overview of debtors with turnover greater than or equal to € 25,000, you must set the filter as follows:

  • Enter the relevant year in Year
  • Enter =< -25000 in Amount debit

See also

Directly to

  1. Debtor monitoring
  2. Set or view the debtor monitoring status
  3. View payment behaviour
  4. Set or view a credit limit
  5. View outstanding items
  6. View a list of balances
  7. View an ageing analysis
  8. Record a dossier item
  9. View invoices
  10. Block and release invoices
  11. View a debtor card
  12. View the financial turnover by debtor
  13. Historical overview of debtors