View invoices

When you view entries or outstanding items, you can also retrieve the underlying purchase and sales invoices. In the properties of the purchase and sales invoices, you can find information about various elements, such as reminders, payments and journal entries.

You can immediately adjust the payment-related process data.


View invoices

You can view entries or outstanding items in various ways using the underlying invoices.

To view invoices:

  1. Go to:
    • Financial / Ledger / Financial changes.
    • Financial / Debtor / Debtor, debtor’s properties, Invoices or Outstanding items tab.
    • Financial / Debtor / Overview / Outstanding items.
    •  Financial / Debtor / Overview / List of balances
    • Financial / Debtor / Overview / Ageing analysis
  2. Select a line (select a debtor or an invoice, depending on the view).
  3. Click on the action: Invoice properties orCorresponding invoices (depending on the view).

This description applies to debtors as well as creditors. Viewing invoices works the same way in all functions; one of these functions is explained below.

To view invoices per debtor:

  1. Go to: Financial / Debtor / Debtor.
  2. Open the properties of the debtor.
  3. Go to the tab: Invoices or Outstanding items.
  4. Select the invoice.
  5. Click on the action: Invoice properties.
  6. Go to the tab: General.

    You see the key totals and several fields related to reminders, collection and automatic payments. Any change in these settings of course affects the relevant processes.

  7. Go to the tab: Entries.

    You see all entries, both the original entry of the invoice and any payments. To view only payments, go to the Payments tab.

  8. Go to the tab: Remark.

    Here, you can view or add comments.

  9. Go to the tab: Dossier.

    Here, you can view the digital history of the outstanding item. The dossier becomes a more powerful tool if you digitise all documents related to the invoice and store them in Profit. For example, you can scan incoming documents and record and add them as a dossier item. You can add your own documents directly via Profit, for example using the document generator.

  10. Go to the tab: Reminders.

    All sent reminders, so you immediately have all details at hand if a debtor calls about a reminder. This tab is not available for creditors.

  11. The Print reminder letter action enables you to quickly print a reminder. However, this will always be based on the current data recorded in Profit. For example, if you received a partial payment after the last reminder, this partial payment will be processed in the new reminder. This means that it will not match the reminder received by the debtor.
Difference between financial/order management invoices

In Profit, a 'technical' distinction exists between financial entries and order management invoices:

  • Outstanding item added via Financial / Enter / Journal.

    This is a financial entry that is not generated by an order management process.

    • Financial entries are displayed on the Entries tab.
    • Outstanding items are contained on the Outstanding items tab, until they are fully paid up.
    • You can open the financial invoice via the Invoice properties action button.

    These financial invoices are not displayed on the Invoices tab for the debtor.

    They are however displayed on the History tab for the debtor.

  • Invoices added via an order management process, for example via Profit Subscriptions, Profit CRM (course invoices) or Profit Order management.
    • These invoices are indeed displayed on the Invoices tab for the debtor.
    • By journalising the invoice, financial entries with the corresponding invoice numbers are created. These are outstanding items that you can use for the reminder and collection process.
    • These invoices are displayed on the Outstanding items tab. You can open the financial invoice using the Invoice properties action.
Also see

Directly to

  1. Debtor monitoring
  2. Set or view the debtor monitoring status
  3. View payment behaviour
  4. Set or view a credit limit
  5. View outstanding items
  6. View a list of balances
  7. View an ageing analysis
  8. Record a dossier item
  9. View invoices
  10. Block and release invoices
  11. View a debtor card
  12. View the financial turnover by debtor
  13. Historical overview of debtors