View an ageing analysis

The ageing analysis displays the outstanding items according to age. The age of an outstanding item is the number of days between today’s date and the invoice date. In the reports, you can also use the number of days between the due date and the invoice date as the starting point.

This description applies to debtors as well as creditors.


The column names and descriptions are not automatically linked to the age limits you have set in the financial settings. If you change the limits, you have to manually change these column descriptions in the data collection of the output (view, report or analysis).

To display a view:

  1. Go to: Financial / Debtor / Overview / Ageing analysis (or Financial / Creditor / Overview / Ageing analysis).

    You see a view of all debtors (or creditors) with outstanding items. The total amount per debtor is shown in the Outstanding balance column . The balance is broken down on the basis of age in the subsequent columns.

  2. To view the underlying invoices, first select the debtor. Then click on Corresponding invoices.

    Profit shows a view with all invoices that make up the balance. You can view additional data of the invoice via the properties of the invoice.

  3. From the list of balances, you can also use an action to retrieve the properties of the selected debtor or creditor.

Consult report:

  1. Go to: Financial / Output / Report.
  2. Open the report:
    • Debtor ageing analysis (or Creditor ageing analysis)

      The balance of the outstanding items is displayed by debtor (or creditor), broken down by age.

    • Detailed debtor ageing analysis (or Detailed creditor ageing analysis)

      All outstanding items are displayed by debtor (or creditor), broken down by age.

  3. Complete the selection window:
    • By using the reference date only the outstanding items that are due on or before the reference data are displayed.
    • Determine how the age is to be calculated. The age is the number of days that have passed since the invoice date or the due date.
  4. Click on: Finish.

Directly to

  1. Debtor monitoring
  2. Set or view the debtor monitoring status
  3. View payment behaviour
  4. Set or view a credit limit
  5. View outstanding items
  6. View a list of balances
  7. View an ageing analysis
  8. Record a dossier item
  9. View invoices
  10. Block and release invoices
  11. View a debtor card
  12. View the financial turnover by debtor
  13. Historical overview of debtors