Check fixed journal entries

You check to see how many journal entries you still need to generate up to and including the current period.


A fixed journal entry is valid from January to December inclusive for the current year.

When you execute the checking function in June, Profit notifies you that you still need to generate six journal entries.

To check entries:

  1. Go to: Financial / Enter / Fixed journal entry.
  2. Select the fixed journal entry.
  3. Click on the action: Check journal entry.

    Profit reports the number of journal entries that remain to be generated up to and including the current period.

Directly to

  1. Fixed journal entries
  2. Configuration
  3. Add a fixed journal entry
  4. Project entry based on a fixed journal entry
  5. Change the term of validity
  6. Change lines
  7. Check fixed journal entries
  8. Generate a journal entry
  9. View the history