Automatic debtor refunds
A separate function is available for paying credit notes to debtors. This allows you to automatically refund credit invoices or invoices that have been paid twice to your debtors. You add a refund order, process it and generate a payment file you send to the bank.
The process for automatic refunding is similar to the process for the automatic payment of creditors. With this function, you cannot compress the outstanding items or make payments on a ‘G’ account.
You must configure your bank account number for automatic refunding of debtors.
If you want to generate the file in SEPA format then you can set up the refund file in SEPA format for the bank account number. In this case, you also need to check if the debtor bank account number is an IBAN account number. For SEPA, the bank account number must be an IBAN bank account number.
In a diagram, the process for refunding payments is as follows:
To configure the debtor for refunding:
If you want to refund a credit note, you specify this in the properties of the outstanding item.
To edit the outstanding items for refunding:
- Go to: Financial / Debtor / Overview / Outstanding items.
- Open the properties of the outstanding item (credit note).
- Select the Refund check box.
This field is only available for credit notes.
- Click on: OK.
To add, process and send a new refund order:
- Go to: Financial / Debtor / Refund.
- Click on: New.
- Complete the fields.
See the description in Add a new payment order.
- Click on: Next.
- Click on: Finish.
- Click on: OK.
- Click on the action: Process refund.
- If you are using the queue, click OK for the message that the file with collections is created via the queue.
You MUST still retrieve the file yourself via the queue using the Complete action. When you complete lines from the queue, Profit will transfer the files to the workstation. The collection and payment files are saved to the appropriate location and an order letter can be printed.
If you are using the bank link with the Rabobank, generate the refund file with this action and send it to the Rabobank automatically. You then sign (or decline) the file in the internet banking application of the bank.
- Print the order letter and payment specification using the Order letter and Payment differentiation actions.
- Send the file to the bank.