'Primair Onderwijs' conversion
In 'Primair Onderwijs' a 40-hour working week applies as from 01-08-2015. All arrangements related to task hours, leave and absence are recalculated based on 40 hours. To convert the current working week of 36.86 hours to 40 hours, go through the step-by-step plan below. Determine when you will perform this conversion.
Conversion requirements:
Take the following into account to ensure that the conversion is successful:
- The working week conversion should first be performed in a test environment.
- Ensure that you have all rights in the environment.
- There should be no pending workflows for salary, contract, job or timetable entries. We recommend you first complete workflows that are still pendingg.
- The conversion requires a consult code. Ask the Support department for the consult code. For this purpose submit an incident using the subject line: 'PO' working week conversion.
Any timetable deviations recorded at the employee level are deleted during the conversion.
Default timetables are ignored in the conversion. This ensures that the timetable does get adjusted to the 40-hour working week at the employee level, but the default timetable is not adjusted.
Work timetables are not taken into account during the conversion. The employee's timetable is adjusted to the 40-hour working week, but the work timetable itself is not. This cannot be adjusted automatically, because during the conversion it cannot be determined where the hours should be added. Adjust the work timetable on environment level yourself.
If at the time of the conversion to the new working week an employee has a contract with an end date of 31-07-2015 and no subsequent contract, the employee is not included. When manually extending the contract, another term of employment will have to be selected. In InSite you can select a term of employment when extending a contract
Step 1:
Do the following to prepare for conversion:
AFAS Online:
- Check if the environment has already been converted to Profit 2016, Build 1, Update 8.
- Create a test environment.
- Download and import the analysis.
Without AFAS Online:
- Install Profit 2016, Build 1, Update 8.
- Download and install the patch.
- Create a test environment.
- Download and import the analysis.
Step 2:
You copy the term(s) of employment being used with a working week of 36.86 hours to a new term of employment with a working week of 40 hours.
Click here for information on the copy procedure.
Enter 1-1-1950 as the start date of the new working week of 40 hours.
When applying a new working week, the default timetables from the term of employment are not copied.
You can block the old term(s) of employment. Enter the code and a description of the organisational unit.
After copying the term(s) of employment, check the profiles of InSite. If you have entered a term of employment as the preferred value in a profile, change it to the new term of employment.
Step 3:
Generate the analysis and enter the following data:
- Open the analysis: Conversie analyse PO 40-urige werkweek.
For large environments we recommend performing the analysis per employer.
- Go to the tab: Beheer.
- Enter the 36.86-hour term(s) of employment in Van arbeidsvoorwaarde (36,86 uur).
- Enter the 40-hour term(s) of employment in Naar arbeidsvoorwaarde (40 uur).
- Select the conversion date by selecting the year and the month.
All current contracts on 01-08-2015 and later will be retrieved in the analysis because you can convert as from this date. This is done only for employees with the 'Primair Onderwijs' CLA.
If you want to covert later than 01-08-2015, select a different year and month.
All lines that have an end date before the conversion date are excluded from the conversion.
- Select Alle werkgevers to convert the employees of all employers with the 'Primair Onderwijs' CLA.
You can convert for each employer. If you want to do this, select the relevant employer.
- Click on: Controle overzicht genereren.
- Go to the tab: Controle overzicht.
You will see all employees that have been retrieved in the analysis. You will see the status for each line. If no message appears, the line in question will be converted.
- Go to the tab: Uitval.
You will see all employees who will not be converted. If a parameter cannot be converted for an employee, the contract lines of the employee are converted.
- Click on: Bladeren... to select the location for saving the XML file.
- Click on: Conversie bestand genereren.
You create the XML file required for the conversion with this.
The name of the XML file includes the date and time. When filtering by employer, the code of the employer is included in the file name.
Step 4:
The conversion requires a consult code. Ask the Support department for the consult code. For this purpose submit an incident using the subject line: 'PO' working week conversion.
The Support department will start the conversion together with you.
Step 5:
During the conversion messages can occur for employees. After the conversion the Niet geconverteerde medewerkers view is opened automatically. You can see what the error is per employee in the declaration. For the complete message, click on:
Export the data from the view to Excel. You have to export the data because after closing the view, the messages can no longer be retrieved.
After solving the messages of the employees that have not been converted, you can again go through the step-by-step plan. You can also manually transfer these employees to the new term of employment, if required. If you transfer the employees, you must also modify the parameters on an employee level for the relevant employee.
Messages in the view can include the following:
- The value '3' (Specific time related to substitution.) is not allowed in the 'Labour relation type' field. If the 'Substitute employment' check box is selected, Profit enters this value automatically.
This message can occur when the Labour relation type field has the value '3' (Specific time related to substitution) while the Substitute employment check box is not selected. This is not allowed. If the message appears, the settings for the employee in question are wrong. In the 'Labour relation type' field, you enter the other value.
- Cannot save the value for the wage component. The period already contains an entry with an application. You cannot both apply an entry to a specific employment and use an application within one period. Enter an application as the parameter value.
Check the configuration on the Wage components tab at the employee to resolve the message.
Conversion executed
After the conversion the following has been adjusted for the employees:
- A new contract line with the new terms of employment, including a 40-hour working week, has been added.
- The timetable is based on the 40-hour working week.
- The parameter values of the
wage components at employee level have been multiplied by a factor.
Hourly wage calculation
Changing the default working week to 40 hours initially results in a decrease of the hourly wage. This reduction does not affect the salary of employees with a fixed timetable, because this calculation refers to the part-time percentage and that percentage is the same after the conversion.
The reduced hourly wage affects:
- Several arrangements related to selling and buying leave;
- Several arrangements related to paying out WTR;
- Several arrangements related to paying out time off in lieu;
- Payment of additional hours and underworked hours;
- Several wage components used to pay ORT, overtime en overtime allowance;
- Payment of sustainable availability hours (wage component 161.172.015);
- The hourly wage displayed on the pay slip (if any).
According to the 'PO' council, it is not the intention to have the employee's hourly wage decrease. In principle this effect could be offset by accruing or paying out more leave in the case of overtime and additional hours, but it is also an option to leave the hourly wage the same as it was for the 36.86-hour working week.
To adjust the hourly wage calculation:
- Go to: HR / Organisation / CLA.
- Open the CLA properties.
- Go to the tab: Wage component.
- Open the properties of the 100.009.500 'Uurloonberekening' wage component.
- Go to the tab: Parameter.
- Open the properties of the 'Afwijkende uren per week' parameter.
- Go to the tab: Values.
- Open the view: Parameter history customer CLA and Profit CLA.
- Click on: New.
- Enter the conversion date in Start date.
- Enter 36.86 in Value.
- Click on: Finish.
Profit now calculates the hourly wage based on 36.86 hours, instead of 40 hours.
If you do not implement this adjustment, the audit message 'The hourly wage has decreased' appears for all employees.
'BAPO' leave
You must modify 1 parameter for this because 'BAPO' leave must also start to calculate using the 40 hour working week.
To adjust the timetable hours per week for BAPO leave:
- Go to: HR / Organisation / CLA.
- Open the CLA properties.
- Go to the tab: Wage component.
- Open the properties of the 161.171.106 'Korting i.v.m Spaar Bapo' wage component.
- Go to the tab: Parameter.
- Open the properties of the 'Roosteruren p/w tbv Bapoverlof' parameter.
- Go to the tab: Values.
- Open the view: Parameter history customer CLA and Profit CLA.
- Click on: New.
- Enter the conversion date in Start date.
- Enter 40.00 in Value.
- Click on: Finish.
Profit now calculates the BAPO leave based on 40 hours, instead of 36.86 hours.
If you do not implement this adjustment, the BAPO leave continues to be calculated on the basis of a 36.86-hour working week.
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