Copy a leave type

You can copy leave types to other terms of employment in the same CLA. This will speed up the leave configuration.

If you are authorised for leave type, you will also have access to this action automatically.

Profit does not copy all the fields. Only the fields that are required for a statutory en a non-statutory leave type are copied. The other types, such as time of in lieu include a number of fields that do not have to be copied because no yearly copy action takes place. The fields that do get copied are:

  • General fields: start date, end date, last entry date, leave type, basic leave type, basic periodical entitlement, days closed table, integration of leave entries in the actual costing.
  • Integration fields: Leave accrual based on approved actual costing, TOIL (Time off in lieu) based on approved actual costing, hour type, work type and project.
  • Fields for extra leave: allocate based on, day (2x), month (2x).
  • Extra leave entitlement.
  • Fields for settings: keep track of leave balance, method, negative leave balance, limit, transfer leave balance form previous period, maximum number of hours.


    If the leave type already exists and is configured in the term of employment to which you are copying it to, the settings of the old leave type are overwritten.

To copy a leave type:

  1. Go to: HR / Organisation / CLA.
  2. Open the CLA properties.
  3. Go to the tab: Term of employment.
  4. Open the properties of the term of employment.
  5. Go to the tab: Leave.
  6. Select the leave type that you want to copy.
  7. Click on the action: Copy.

    You will see the possible terms of employment to which you can copy the leave type.

  8. Select the term(s) of employment.
  9. Click on: Finish.
  10. Click on: Yes at the question if you are sure that the settings of the existing leave type may be overwritten if the leave type appears in the other term of employment.
  11. The leave must be recalculated.


    If you are using the queue, Profit places this task in the queue. While the task is being performed in the queue, you can continue to work. See: Use and manage the queue

    The queue is always enabled in AFAS Online. That means that the task is always preformed via the queue.

Directly to

  1. Configure statutory and non-statutory (composite) leave
  2. Add leave types for statutory and non-statutory holidays
  3. Configure a composite leave type
  4. Configure statutory and non-statutory leave types
  5. Add the composite Holiday leave type
  6. Recalculate the leave balance via the queue
  7. Configure the composite leave balance in InSite
  8. Configure composite leave with a negative leave balance
  9. Add a leave request in InSite