Import employees

The import functions make a distinction between adding employees and reporting employees as employed, just the same as with manually adding employees.


Always test a data import in a test environment. Use a recent backup of the live environment as test environment.


Add an employee using an import

You can add new employees by selecting .

During the import Profit checks whether employees and persons already exist. In this case, the following situations can occur:

  • New employee and person

    Profit adds an employee and a person and links these to each other.

  • Existing employee and existing person

    If both the employee and the person already exist, then they are not added. If you want to change data for existing employees, use the HR / Management / Import employee change / Employee import functionality.

  • New employee, but existing person

    This person is already known in Profit, so it will not be added. If the employee is not known, Profit will add and link it to the existing person.

Report the employment start of an employee

You use to import the parts of the employment, with the exception of the agency/agencies. Separate import functions are available for agencies, including HR / Management / Import Agency / Tax authority.

The parts of the employment are all closely related. For example a contract line is always linked to a job, salary and timetable line. If you add a contract line to an employee manually, Profit automatically adds a job, salary and timetable line. If you use the above import function, then the import file must contain all (mandatory) contract, salary, timetable and job fields per employee and per line.

In Profit HR you record a lot of data at a higher level, such as the CLA and the employer level. For each employee you can define a number of links in the import of the employment:

  • You import the employer, CLA and the term of employment to the employee's contract. This allows you to determine the employer that the employee is employed by and the CLA used for processing the employee's wage.
  • In the salary you can import a salary scale and a step or a fixed salary. Many Profit CLAs include the salary scales for processing the wages. If your salary scales are not included, you can configure them yourself.
  • You can import a default timetable that is recorded in the term of employment. However, you can also specify different timetables for employees (for irregular working hours) or link a work timetable (for shifts).
  • You import an organisational unit (department) and job.

    Hrm_Medewerkers importeren (20)

Directly to

  1. New employee
  2. Auto numbering
  3. Employer code as a prefix for the employee code
  4. Position management
  5. Add a new employee
  6. Report an employee's start of employment in InSite
  7. Report the employment of an employee
  8. Report an employee's start of employment (Belgium)
  9. Print the 'Loonheffing' statement
  10. Print an employee's contract
  11. Report an employee's re-employment in InSite
  12. Re-employ an employee
  13. New employees report
  14. Anonymous employee
  15. Import employees