Add a hyperlink to an e-mail address

You can add an e-mail address as a hyperlink in a text so you can send an e-mail directly from the page.

To add a hyperlink to an e-mail address:

  1. Log on and start Site management.
  2. Click on: New.
  3. Select External page.
  4. Enter the description. For instance: 'E-mail us'.
  5. In the URL, enter the e-mail address, for example

    Click on: Add.You can add this URL (page) in text boxes.

  6. Go to: the page where you want to add the hyperlink.
  7. Click on: Edit (in the Page frame).
  8. Position the cursor at the place where you want to add the hyperlink.
  9. Click on: Hyperlink in the Insert frame.
  10. Enter a label.
  11. Select the external link you just added.
  12. Select a value for Open in.
  13. Click on: Create.
  14. Click on: Publish.
  15. Click on Yes in the message.

Add a subject for an e-mail:

If the visitor clicks the hyperlink, an e-mail message is created without a subject. If you want to use a default subject then add it to the e-mail address.

  1. Place ?subject= after the e-mail address.
  2. Fill this with the subject of the e-mail message.


E-mail address:

Subject: Summer sale

Full URL: sale

Directly to

  1. Pages and overviews in InSite and OutSite
  2. Maintain a page type
  3. Add a page
  4. Edit a page
  5. Publish a page
  6. Maintain a page
  7. View pages in Profit Windows
  8. Copy a page
  9. Add a related reference
  10. Add an overlay to a page
  11. Change the page properties
  12. Change overviews
  13. Link a parameter to a page
  14. Overview page per selection
  15. Download data
  16. Add a Previous/Next button
  17. Change a view
  18. Delete a page
  19. Structure of page URLs
  20. Configure the URL redirection for OutSite
  21. Change the title of a tab
  22. Add a hyperlink to an e-mail address