Copy a page

A site manager can copy a page. You can copy both a draft page and a published page. A page which is based on a document template cannot be copied.

This can be useful, for example, if you want to publish the original page. In this case, first copy the publication because it gets deleted when the original is published.


Copy a published page

To copy a published page:

  1. Log on and start Site management.
  2. Open the page you want to copy.
  3. Click on the action: Copy publication.
  4. Click on Yes in the message.

    You now open a draft of the copied page.

  5. Click on: Edit (in the Page frame).
  6. Change the page.
  7. Click on: Properties.
  8. If necessary, change the publication name of the copied page.
  9. Click on: Publish.
  10. Click on Yes in the message.
  11. Click on: Menu in the Site frame.
  12. Click on: New.

    You do this at the position under which you want to add the page.

  13. Enter the description.
  14. Select the action Refer to existing page.
  15. Click on: Next.
  16. Select the new page.
  17. Click on: Add.
  18. Close the menu.

Copy a draft page

To copy a draft page:

  1. Log on and start Site management.
  2. Open the page you want to copy.
  3. Click on: Edit (in the Page frame).
  4. Click on the action: Copy draft.
  5. Click on Yes in the message.

    You now open a draft of the copied page.

  6. Change the page.
  7. Click on: Properties.
  8. If necessary, change the publication name of the copied page.
  9. Click on: Publish.
  10. Click on Yes in the message.
  11. Click on: Menu in the Site frame.
  12. Click on: New.

    You do this at the position under which you want to add the page.

  13. Enter the description. 
  14. Select the Refer to existing page action.
  15.  Click on: Next.
  16. Select the new page.
  17. Click on: Add.
  18. Close the menu.

Directly to

  1. Pages and overviews in InSite and OutSite
  2. Maintain a page type
  3. Add a page
  4. Edit a page
  5. Publish a page
  6. Maintain a page
  7. View pages in Profit Windows
  8. Copy a page
  9. Add a related reference
  10. Add an overlay to a page
  11. Change the page properties
  12. Change overviews
  13. Link a parameter to a page
  14. Overview page per selection
  15. Download data
  16. Add a Previous/Next button
  17. Change a view
  18. Delete a page
  19. Structure of page URLs
  20. Configure the URL redirection for OutSite
  21. Change the title of a tab
  22. Add a hyperlink to an e-mail address