
Use workflows to carry out daily processes efficiently and effectively.



Obviously you can use the default workflows provided but, since every organisation is different, you can easily create and configure workflows yourself. You determine the tasks and actions for each process in your organisation yourself!


  • The completion of a process does not depend on an employee but on responsibilities. When an employee leaves the organisation, you do not need to change the workflows. All you need to do is assign the relevant responsibilities to his successor. And even that you can automate to a large extent.
  • Employees and external users can add their responses in a workflow. This creates a discussion platform that allows you to create a dossier about the completion of the workflow. This is very important if at a later date you want to check why certain decisions were made in the course of the process.
  • If someone is absent, you can transfer or delegate tasks to others.

Schematic overview of workflows


An example of a workflow is requesting leave. In a diagram, this looks as follows:

Ins_Voorbeeld van een workflow

An employee requests leave and the manager reviews the request. If the manager rejects the leave request, the request is returned to the employee.


  • Prepare a workflow

    Before you add a workflow, you first make a sketch of the process. You sketch how the process should look: which tasks and actions are performed by which employees and in which sequence.

  • Build a workflow

    You build and adjust a workflow using the Workflow Editor. This editor makes it simple and easy to create the most advanced workflows.

  • Maintain a workflow

    You can maintain an existing workflow. For example, you can add or delete tasks and actions. You can also change the destination of a task.

  • Configure a workflow for use in InSite or OutSite

    You can only use the new workflow in InSite or OutSite after you have configured the dossier item type.

  • Document with workflow

    You can link a document template to a workflow. If an employee submits a document, this must first be assessed, for example, by the employee's manager. If the manager approves the document, it is published on the site.

  • Configure an alert for starting a workflow

    A generated alert can start a workflow, so that the actions resulting from the alert are planned immediately.

  • Collective clearing of For info tasks

    You can clear outstanding For info tasks collectively.

  • View the workflow history

    You can view the history of a dossier item in the workflow. This will give you insight into the completion time of the dossier item and allows you to see who currently has the dossier item in the workflow.

Also see