Configure OutSite

You configure the website. A website is a collection of related web pages with data such as text, images or videos. Visitors to the site can retrieve information using these web pages.

If you are working with a local Profit installation and you want to start using OutSite, you have to initialise the installation of OutSite well in advance. You host OutSite via AFAS (on AFAS Online).


The configuration of OutSite is made up of a technical configuration and the configuration of the final site.

Technical configuration (Central Log-on Environment)

If you use AFAS Online, the technical configuration is taken care of for you.

For a local installation, you have to take care of the technical configuration yourself. The technical configuration consists of management of webservers and maintenance of domains (such as You perform the configuration in the Central Log-on Environment. This environment also has the log with all the information and errors from the servers and sites.

Configuration of the site (per environment)

Per environment, you configure the correct sites. If you want to use the data from a particular environment on a site, you must add and configure that site in that environment. This is the configuration of the functional side of the website, such as the selection of a theme and a logo, the activation of parts of the site, the setting up of message templates and the updating of the site. In this environment, you can also open the environment log.

