Configure Logistics in OutSite

The configuration of InSite Logistics consists of activating page types and adding a menu item.



Before OutSite users can use the Logistics Portal you must configure the Product group grouping in Profit.

You can then activate the page types for sales orders, packing slips, invoices and articles in the site and then add the menu items to the site.



  • Authorise Product group grouping

    Use the Product group grouping in OutSite and InSite to generate a logical overview of the articles. You first have to authorise this grouping.

  • Add product groups

    Product groups allow you to group your articles logically on the InSite and/or OutSite sites. You have to create the product groups and fill them with articles yourself. Only after you have done this, can you make the Order management functionality (from article to sales invoice) visible in InSite and OutSite.

  • Add articles to a product group (InSite & OutSite)

    You can display new articles on the InSite site and the OutSite site. To do so, you first have to link the new articles to one or more product groups. Per product group, you can specify if it is visible in InSite and/or OutSite (anonymous website or portal).

  • Activate Logistics page types

    For the Order management portal, you activate the sales orders, packing slips, sales invoices and articles page types to the site.

  • Templates for Logistics in InSite & OutSite

    For Logistics in InSite and OutSite, you can use the following templates as the basis for adding pages to your websites.

  • Create a Logistics menu item

    To do this, add the menu items for sales orders, packing slips and sales invoices to the site as a portal. A logged in user only sees his/her own sales orders, packing slips and sales orders. An anonymous web user does not see this data.

  • Create an Article menu item

    Add the Article menu item to the site. You can add the article menu item to the My organisation portal for logged in users, and you can also add it as a separate menu item for anonymous web users who can then view your articles.

Also see

Use Logistics in OutSite