Value parameters

For this parameter you assign a value to the parameter itself. A value parameter can be linked to one or more wage components. This means that a change to this value can affect the calculation of multiple wage components.


For value parameters you enter the value of the parameter yourself. There are five types of value parameters:

  • Amount
  • Numerical
  • Percentage
  • Yes/no
  • Code table

The particular feature of this parameter type is that the entry levels apply to it. One or more of the following levels can only be selected for this type of parameter:

  • Employer
  • Employee
  • Entry program

The ‘CLA’ level can always be changed. When AFAS manages a parameter you cannot change it at the CLA level.

Payroll configuration levels

Profit Payroll has a hierarchical structure. The principle that applies is that you as much as possible should specify the data at the highest possible level. The highest level in the salary processing is the Basic CAO or Profit CLA; the employer is the intermediate level and the employee is the lowest level. Values specified at a high level automatically operate at all underlying levels.

In a diagram, this looks as follows:

You can specify values at the following levels:

  • CLA

    The Profit CLA forms the basis for the wage calculation in Profit. Each Profit CLA contains the same basic payroll configuration, supplemented with sectoral and industry regulations that form part of the relevant CLA. AFAS already supplies the most common values for the parameters of the wage components at the Profit CLA level. You cannot change this level yourself. However, you can adjust many of these values at the Customer CLA level, as necessary.

  • Employer

    You can adjust the wage components of linked CLAs for each employer. The modifications only apply to the employees of the relevant employer who uses the relevant CLA.

  • Employee

    You specify wage components at the employee level if you want to deviate from the configuration at a higher level. Profit will include the configured wage components in the wage processing during the term of validity you specified.

  • Entry program

    For incidental changes (such as an incidental expense allowance paid to a specific employee), you can enter a variable wage entry.


Payroll configuration levels.



Pension premium percentage





Employer X.



Employer Y.



Employee J.



Entry program


  • A 4% pension premium has been specified at the highest level for a wage component.
  • It is possible to deviate from this at the employer level by changing the percentage to 5%. A 4% pension premium will now be deducted for all employees, except for the employees who are part of this specific Employer Y.
  • You can also specify a deviating percentage for a single employee. This only applies to the relevant employee of course.

In addition, all values that are recorded are time-dependent. This means that at a minimum a start date must be entered and that in the event of changes a new value is added with a new start date as a result of which the end date of the previous value is automatically determined.

  • Change the parameter value

    You can adjust the current value of value parameters or add a new value.

  • Parameter value from another wage component

    A value parameter can retrieve its value from a specific value of a parameter in another wage component.

  • Number of decimal places parameter

    In Profit you can change the number of decimal places for each parameter of a wage component. When you change the number of decimal places of the parameter, you can add a new value with the number of decimal places specified.

  • Deviating value of a parameter

    In certain wage components you can post a deviating value to the Waarde C parameter. This parameter is not used in the wage component formula. Using the Methode parameter C parameter you specify how Profit includes an entry for the Waarde C parameter in the salary calculation.

  • Manage payroll arrangements

    You can use the Maintain payroll arrangements functionality to check your payroll configuration. This function allows you to view and change all changed parameter values at the CLA level.