Number of decimal places parameter

In Profit you can change the number of decimal places for each parameter of a wage component. When you change the number of decimal places of the parameter, you can add a new value with the number of decimal places specified.


The differentiated 'Whk' premium percentage has 3 decimal places. Effective January 1 of the current year the percentage is 0.03.

You change the number of decimal places to 2 and add a new value effective January 1 of the current year.


When you change the number of decimal places, for example, from 3 to 2, then Profit continues to make its calculations using 3 decimal places. In the view Profit rounds the value.

When you enter a new parameter value with 2 decimal places, then Profit uses 2 decimal places when making its calculations.

To change the number of decimal places parameter:

  1. Go to: HR / Organisation / CLA.
  2. Open the CLA properties.
  3. Go to the tab: Wage component.
  4. Open the properties of the wage component.
  5. Go to the tab: Parameter.
  6. Open the parameter's properties.
  7. Change the number of decimal places for the parameter.
  8. Click on: OK.

    Profit displays the value using the specified number of decimal places. Profit rounds the value up.

Directly to

  1. Value parameters
  2. Change the parameter value
  3. Parameter value from another wage component
  4. Number of decimal places parameter
  5. Deviating value of a parameter
  6. Manage payroll arrangements