Message during declaration check: The value of the field cannot be negative

The message appears because in a period, negative days or hours have been entered as wage entries for the employee. The tax authority does not accept negative days or hours in the wage declaration.

The hours processed in the wage declaration are the sum of the wage hours + paid leave hours + hours from the 'Salaris uit uren Verlof/Ziek' wage summary. If the result is negative, a message appears when you check the declaration.

Often this message appears because negative hours or days have been entered as wage entries on the wage component for ‘SV’ days, leave hours and parental leave.


You have entered a negative value as a wage entry on the 'Verlofuren uitbetalen' wage component. The negative value affects the processed hours, which can then be negative because of this.

You resolve this by deleting the wage entry and adding a wage entry to the 'Verlofuren kopen' wage component. This wage component does not affect the result of the processed hours.

You can in fact enter a negative amount on a wage component, but not on a wage component that is calculated based on days or hours.

You resolve the message by undoing the wage entry. Instead of entering negative hours and days, enter an amount as a deduction. You can add a wage component for this yourself, by copying a template wage component.

Next, you process and approve a correction period. After this, the message will no longer appear when checking the declaration.

Directly to

  1. Resolve messages when checking the declaration
  2. The data for the wage declaration cannot be written. Errors have occurred
  3. After the preparation, Profit once again generates a new complete declaration
  4. A complete declaration for period X is open which has not yet been prepared.
  5. ‘WAO/IVA/WGA’ assessable wages cannot be greater than uniform WAO premium/differentiated ‘WGA’ premium wages
  6. The combination of a 'WW', 'ZW' or 'WAO/WIA' employee insurance with sector risk group "0000" is not allowed
  7. The sector of the sector (risk group) for the employee must be the same as the preferred sector (risk group) at employer level
  8. The combination of 'Ouderenvrijstelling' and premium reduction is not allowed
  9. The 'WIA (IVA/WGA) basispremie’ premium basis cannot be greater than the 'WGA' premium basis
  10. The configuration of the payroll statement is not correct
  11. The value of the field cannot be negative
  12. That is because the sum of the premium reductions cannot be greater than the employee insurance premiums, including the sector premium