The 'WIA (IVA/WGA) basispremie' premium basis cannot be greater than the 'WGA' premium basis
Profit displays this message in the following situations:
- The 'Ouderenvrijstelling' for the 'WIA basispremie' ends in the course of the wage year.
You resolve this using the 100.005.050 'WIA basispremie' wage component.
- The personal risk bearer for the 'WGA' changes as from July 1.
You resolve this using the 100.005.030 'WGA gedifferentieerd' wage component or you change the personal risk bearing as of 1 January.
- The personal risk bearer for the 'WGA' has changed with retroactive effect, and the employee has not worked in at least one of the intermediate periods and therefore has not been processed.
You resolve this using the 100.005.030 'WGA gedifferentieerd' wage component.
You resolve this message by adding the wage component to the employee. For this, you first need to configure the wage component at the CLA level. You then add the wage component to the employee.
To adjust the entry level parameter:
- Go to:HR / Organisation / CLA.
- Open the CLA properties.
- Go to the tab:Wage component.
- Open the properties of the wage component.
- 100.005.050 'WIA basispremie', if the ‘Ouderenvrijstelling' for the 'WIA basispremie' ends during the course of the wage year.
- 100.005.030 'WGA gedifferentieerd', if the own risk bearer for the 'WGA' changes as from July 1.
- 100.005.030 'WGA gedifferentieerd', if the employee becomes the own risk bearer for 'WGA' with retroactive effect and the employee has not worked in at least one intervening period and therefore has not been processed.
- Go to the tab:Parameter.
- Open the properties of the 'Afw. Ja/Nee periode' parameter.
- Select the Allow entries for employee check box.
- Click on: OK.
To add a wage component at the employee level:
- Go to:HR / Employee / Employee.
- Open the properties of the employee.
- Go to the tab:Wage component.
- Click on: New.
- Select the wage component.
- 100.005.050 'WIA basispremie', if the ‘Ouderenvrijstelling' for the 'WIA basispremie' ends during the course of the wage year.
- 100.005.030 'WGA gedifferentieerd', if the own risk bearer for the 'WGA' changes as from July 1.
- 100.005.030 'WGA gedifferentieerd', if the employee becomes the own risk bearer for 'WGA' with retroactive effect and the employee has not worked in at least one intervening period and therefore has not been processed.
- Click on: Finish.
- Open the properties of the 'Afw. Ja/Nee periode' parameter.
- Click on: New.
- Enter the first day of the wage year in question in Start date.
- Enter the last day of the wage year in question in End date.
- Enter the value 1.
- Click on: Finish.
If the employee has multiple employments, add the wage component to each employment.
Ate this change, you initiate an RAE entry as from period 1 of the wage year in question. After this, you process the (correction) period again. If you have already approved the salary processing, you add a correction period.
After processing the (correction) period, you check the wage declaration again. If the message is resolved, you approve the (correction) period. You can now prepare the declaration for sending.
See also