Add rates

You can add the rates once you have set up the calculation bases for the rates.

To add rates:  

  1. Go to: Projects / Prices and rates / Sales rate.


    If you have opted to use separate calculation bases for cost price rates and sales rates, you create the rates separately using two different menu options: Projects / Prices and rates / Cost price rate or Projects / Prices and rates / Sales rate.

  2. Click on: New.

    If you have added extra calculation bases yourself, these bases are shown as the first fields in the window and, depending on the selected calculation base, you can enter a value. If you have added extra calculation bases, it is not mandatory to select a value in these fields. When determining the rates in the actual costing, Profit automatically falls back on a rate that has been set at a higher level. This means that it is possible to enter a value for the extra calculation bases only if an exceptional rate applies.
    For example, by not entering a value for the first calculation basis, but entering values for the second and third one, you specify that the combination applies to all values of the first calculation basis.

  3. Complete the fields. 

    If you have decided to use separate calculation bases for the rates, you do not have to select a rate. Instead you directly enter the cost price rate or sales rate. Here you can create a cost price rate and a sales rate with the same start date in one go. By only choosing one of the two options, you can also create a sales rate, for example, with a new start date, while the cost price rate stays the same.

  4. Click on: Finish.

    Profit shows the added cost price rates and sales rates as separate lines. The rates shown are the current cost price and current sales price. This is the rate that is valid on the current date.

Directly to

  1. Rates
  2. Determine rates
  3. work types
  4. Articles
  5. Configure rates
  6. Determine validity combination for rates
  7. Add calculation bases for rates
  8. Add rates
  9. set up the calculation bases for the rates
  10. View and change rates
  11. Import rates