Set up not invoicing and charging on in the sales order process

If you use the integration between Projects and Order management, for each project and/or item, you have to specify if you want to charge (invoice) this to the customer. In Projects, you can use the Charge field to indicate that you want to charge (invoice) a specific line from the cost estimate or actual costing to the customer. Order management uses the Do not invoice field in the sales order process (quotation, order, packing slip) for this purpose.

In Order management, the Do not invoice field is available on the sales quotation, sales order and packing slip lines. This check box will be selected in the sales quotation, sales order or packing slip if the line is not charged and therefore not invoiced. If you link a project in your Order management sales process, Profit looks at the project settings.

Profit determines if the Do not invoice check box should be selected or deselected based on the setting of the Charge field in the project, phase or item. Profit selects the Do not invoice check box in the quotation, order or packing slip if the line does not need to be charged. Profit determines this depending on the project and project phase in the quotation, order or packing slip header. For a packing slip (project slip) that you make based on a cost estimate or sales order, the Do not invoice field is not redetermined. Of course, you can change this field manually yourself.

The automatic selection or deselection of this check box only works if you use the Projects/Order management integration and when a quotation, order or packing slip is applicable for a project. If you work with counter/direct invoicing, the Do not invoice field is not applicable because this type of invoice is always invoiced. Thus, this check box is always deselected for a counter/direct invoice and cannot be changed.

Only the lines in projects where the charge check box is selected can be invoiced. The procedure below ensures that the projects and/or work types are set to charge, so that the order lines are invoiced (in that case, Do not invoice is automatically deselected).


If you use the integration between Projects and Order management, for each project and/or item, you have to specify if you want to charge (invoice) this to the customer. Only the lines in projects where the charge check box is selected can be invoiced.

You can also deselect the Do not invoice check box manually in the entry layout of the sales quotation, order or packing slip to ensure that the line is invoiced. If this field is not available in your entry layout, you can add it by changing the entry layout.

To set up invoicing/charging per project:

  1. Go to: Projects / Project / Project.
  2. Open the project properties.
  3. Go to the tab: Invoicing.
  4. Select the Charge check box if you want the actual costing lines entered for this project to be invoiced to the client by default.

    When you charge a project, you can specify per work type whether or not it is to be charged. If you do not charge a project, then you never charge for the work types.

  5. For this project, select the Charge check box. Click on: OK.

To set up invoice/charge per item (work type or cost):

  1. Go to:
    • Projects / Item / Work type
    • Projects / Item / Costs
  2. Open the properties of the item.
  3. Go to the tab: Extra.
  4. Select the Charge check box, if you want to charge the work type on an invoice.
  5. Click on: Finish.

See also:

Directly to

  1. Integration of Projects and Order management
  2. Set up the integration of Projects and Order management
  3. Set up not invoicing and charging
  4. Add a quotation for sales
  5. Finalise a cost estimate
  6. Add a project slip
  7. Report a project slip ready
  8. Copy a cost estimate/quotation to the actual costing
  9. Complete the actual costing
  10. View a quotation, actual costing and project slip
  11. Projects/Order management purchasing process