Add a project slip

When you perform the Creating a project slip action you indicate that you want to copy the article line from the cost estimate to a packing slip.


You can only perform the following action for cost estimates:

  • That have the Permanent status
  • If the project has not been closed
  • In which article lines and/or assembled item lines have been entered.

To create a project slip:

  1. Go to: Projects / Cost estimate / Cost estimate.
  2. Select the cost estimate.
  3. Click on the action: Creating a project slip.

    Profit will only generate a project slip if the selected lines have the same project number and project phase. If this is not the case, an error message appears.

  4. Select the cost estimate lines that you want to transfer to the packing slip.
  5. Click on: Finish.
  6. Complete the packing slip in the normal way.


    The selected cost estimate lines belonging to one project are put on one packing slip. Here, Profit does not take account of the Collect orders on packing slip field settings in the sales contact profile.

Directly to

  1. Integration of Projects and Order management
  2. Set up the integration of Projects and Order management
  3. Set up not invoicing and charging
  4. Add a quotation for sales
  5. Finalise a cost estimate
  6. Add a project slip
  7. Report a project slip ready
  8. Copy a cost estimate/quotation to the actual costing
  9. Complete the actual costing
  10. View a quotation, actual costing and project slip
  11. Projects/Order management purchasing process