Copy team members
You can copy the team members from an existing team or existing cost estimate. Profit then adds the corresponding persons to the current team.
When adding the team members, Profit takes the following rules into account:
- The combination of person/team member role can only occur once in a team.
- The internal and external project manager can only occur once in a team.
To copy team members:
- Go to: Projects / Team / Team.
- Open the properties of the team..
- Click on the action: Copy team members.
- Select the team in Team if you want to copy persons from a team.
Profit displays the persons that are in the selected team.
- Select the cost estimate in Cost estimate if you want to copy persons from a cost estimate.
The view only displays the employees who are specified in the selected cost estimate and actually perform activities. These are the employees with cost estimate lines on which the work type has been entered. Profit only copies employees who are in this result (regardless of quick filtering) to the team you are creating.
If an employee occurs in the cost estimate with multiple work types, he is added to the team without any preference.
When you add a team member from the cost estimate, he is assigned the Team member role. If the person is also a project manager, he is assigned the Internal project manager role.
- Click on: Finish.
Profit asks if the changes in the projects in question should be implemented if you use the team in multiple projects.
- Click on: Process team changes if you want to save the team changes with the team and also want to implement the changes in the projects in question. Profit then closes the entry program.
- Click on: Cancel if you do not want to save the team changes with the team. You then return to the entry program.