Configure stocktaking using the barcode scanner
By using the barcode scanner you can perform 'paperless' stocktaking. However, you must configure the authorisation and views first.
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Stocktaking with the barcode scanner always starts in Profit, by assigning a generated stocktaking to a warehouse employee who will take stock. When the employee has finished taking stock the relevant stocktaking is updated in Profit and the line is set to verified. You do the check and approve it in Profit.
- To configure regular stocktaking: Set up stocktaking
There are two things you can set for stocktaking: whether or not to show the processed lines and whether or not to disable the message that is displayed when verification is enabled.
- Authorise stocktaking using a barcode scanner
After you have activated the barcode integration and the users are set up in general for using the barcode functionality, you still need to authorise the users for the stocktaking functions.
- Expand the stocktaking view
If you conduct stocktaking using barcode scanners, you must be able to consult the status of your scanning in the stocktaking view.
Also see
- Stocktaking using a barcode scanner
You can do stocktaking with a barcode scanner instead of entering the quantities on the printout manually.