Add a publication folder per cockpit (Local installation)

You add a main folder for publishing analyses. You have to set up the appropriate rights for the COM+ user and you must specify this folder in the DAppSets file.

In addition, you add a subfolder for each environment. In the environment folder, you add a subfolder for each analysis.


In the folder structure, you must use the exact names of environments and analyses. The name of the analysis is the name that is used in Profit.


You add the following main folder: ‘..\Profitcockpits‘.

You have two environments that are used for publishing analyses on InSite, so you add folders for these as well.

  • 'Holding' (with the analyses 'ProfitAndLoss' and 'Budgets')
  • 'EnYoi' (with the analyses 'HRcockpit' and 'Shops').

This results in the following structure:

  • ..\Profitcockpits\Holding\ProfitAndLoss
  • ..\Profitcockpits\Holding\Budgets
  • ..\Profitcockpits\EnYoi\Shops
  • ..\Profitcockpits\EnYoi\HRcockpit

You must set read and write rights to the main folder for the user that has been set in the application pool under which the InSite or OutSite site is running. Usually, this is the COM+ user. If you are using a share, the COM+ user also requires read rights to the share and the folders and files on this share. If that is not the case, a ‘Page not found’ or ‘Not authorised’ message will appear in InSite. You can only maintain the page again, after the rights have been set up correctly.

To add a publication folder per cockpit:

  1. Go to the system or the web server on which you want to publish the analysis.
  2. Add a main folder for publishing analyses.
  3. Right-click on the main folder.
  4. Click on: 'Properties' ('Eigenschappen').
  5. Go to the tab: 'Security' ('Beveiliging').
  6. Click on: 'Edit' ('Bewerken').

    Dat_Publicatiemap per cockpit toevoegen - Edit

    You must add the user.

  7. Click on: 'Toevoegen' ('Add').
  8. Enter the user name of the user (typically this is the COM+ user).

    Dat_Publicatiemap per cockpit toevoegen - Edit

  9. Click on: OK.
  10. Set read and write rights for the user.
  11. If this folder is a share, you must also give the user read and write rights to the share.
  12. Add a subfolder for each environment.
  13. In each environment folder, add a subfolder for each analysis.

Directly to

  1. Publish a cockpit on InSite (local installation)
  2. Install and configure the Profit Communication Center (PCC)
  3. Install Microsoft Excel
  4. Add a publication folder per cockpit
  5. Set the main folder for cockpits in the DAppSets file
  6. Add and activate a page type for cockpits
  7. Modify an analysis for publication on InSite
  8. Include an analysis in the InSite menu
  9. Schedule a cockpit for publication on InSite (Local installation)