Publish a cockpit on InSite (local installation)

You publish an analysis as a web page. You include this page in InSite, so your employees can view the analysis using InSite (analysis maintenance is always done in Profit Windows). You have to configure the entire publication process yourself.

You use the Command Line Utility to perform certain tasks automatically. For example, at night, or at fixed times in the course of the day. The 'PUBLISH' command line action generates an analysis and saves it as a web page. You can include the web page in the menu of OutSite or InSite. You can authorise this page separately.

Remarks and conditions

  • The PublishAnalysis macro is present in the analysis to be published.
  • If in Microsoft Excel you have applied conditional formatting of the 'Icon Sets' type, this formatting will not be shown in the published analysis. You should therefore use a different type of conditional formatting.
  • Microsoft Excel must have been installed on the application server on which you execute the command line.
  • The AFASCMD user who starts the task must log in to the server and then lock the machine (Windows button + L). That is because the task has to be performed in the 'Attended' mode.
  • If you use the Windows Task Scheduler, the 'Run only when user is logged on' setting must be enabled.


  • Install and configure the Profit Communication Center (PCC)

    Install the PCC on the system (the application server) that you use for publishing the cockpit.

    The PCC always contains personal settings. However, these are not necessarily the settings of the user who is going to publish the cockpit. The only requirement is that the PCC is installed on the system.

  • Install Microsoft Excel

    Install a supported version of Microsoft Excel on the system (the application server) that you use for publishing the cockpit.

Also see