Add, change or delete projects and project phases (UpdateConnector)

UpdateConnector to add, change or delete projects and project phases. You can use this UpdateConnector, for example, to change the address of a project or add a project phase.

UpdateConnector name: PtProject



Actions that can be performed with the connector


Add records

Download an XML example file (project)

Download an XML example file (project phases)


Change records


Delete records


Download an XML example file

Changing a project and adding project phases to the project, all in one combined call. This can only be done in XML, not in JSON.


There are two ways to perform an UPDATE or an INSERT on an image for a project: using a file or by converting the image to Base64 code and including the code in the XML.

  • File

    Field: FileName

  • Base64 Encoded Format

    Field: FileStream


Field: UnFi

You have two options for providing this field:

  • Include this field in the XML.
  • Not include this field in the XML. In this case, the value is determined on the basis of the project group for the project. The Project group field ('PrGp') is, however, a mandatory field in the XML.

If the administration cannot be determined, the following error message appears when the UpdateConnector is run:

There is no value entered in mandatory field 'Administratie' (UnFi)

Directly to

  1. UpdateConnector descriptions