Add a project phase

You can divide a project into phases. A phase indicates in which stage a project is. You can then apply this phasing in the cost estimate and actual costing, which will give you insight in the budgeted costs and the actual costs per project phase.


You can divide the course of a project into the following phases:

  • Research phase
  • Design phase
  • Implementation phase

In the overview diagram of charging, you see how Profit determines whether or not to charge based on the project phase.

You can use custom fields and custom tabs for the project phases. When adding a new project phase, you can immediately complete these fields.

If you want to be able to reuse project phases, you add them to the project profile. If you want to use them for one project only, you add them to the properties of the project. For that matter, you can also copy phases from other projects if at some point in time it turns out that you do want to use the same phases in other projects.

To add a project phase:

  1. Go to: Projects / Project / Project.
  2. Open the properties of the project.
  3. Go to the tab: Phase.
  4. Click on: New.
  5. Copy the following data:
  6. Complete the Project phase and Description fields.
  7. If required, enter a value for  Planned completion date and Actual completion date.

    You cannot enter any hours/costs on the project phase on a date before the Start date or after the Actual completion date.

  8. Select the Additional work check box if you want to use this. In this field, you can specify that additional work has to be charged using this phase.

    See the diagram that shows how Profit determines the way the Charge field works.

  9. Please refer to the KnowledgeBase for the overview diagram of charging in Profit.If applicable, select an instalment to link to the project phase.


    Linking Instalments to a Project phase is, for instance, intended to enable you to print additional information from the project phase on the invoice. Also, reporting a phase ready can be used as a trigger for invoicing the linked instalment. You can always change or clear the Instalment field in the project phase. You can also deselect the Ready check box for the project phase without affecting the linked instalment.

  10. Click on: Finish

    You have now added one phase. Use the same method to add all phases a project can go through.

  11. If you selected an instalment and have selected the Ready check box, you are asked if you want to report the linked instalment ready. Click Yes if applicable. Profit will then enter the Date ready.
  12. Add the following phases in the same manner.

Using the Delete button on the Phase tab of the project, you can delete existing project phases, provided no cost estimate or actual costing entries have yet been created using the phase in question.

Directly to

  1. Project
  2. Add a project
  3. Add a project using a scored forecast
  4. Project properties
  5. View the project master card
  6. Block a sales contact linked to a project (temporarily)
  7. Project phase
  8. Change a project number
  9. Document in project dossier
  10. dossier
  11. Import projects
  12. Projects in InSite
  13. Projects in OutSite