Enforce input using the Input assistant

You can use the input assistant to enforce specific input for a field.

Some examples:

  • You can specify that in a field only digits or only letters are available.
  • For example, you can specify that a description should always start with a capital or that periods should always be inserted between letters (e.g. in the case of initials).
  • You can use a quick filter to specify that only certain input is allowed. For example, you can specify that an amount field only allows positive amounts.

These settings also apply to InSite and OutSite.

Record fixed input for a field:

  1. Right-click on the field name.
  2. Go to the tab: Administrator settings.

    App_Veldinstellingen invoerassistent

  3. Record the settings in the Input assistant box.
    • Quick filter

      The user can only enter or select a value that matches the filter. If you record a quick filter you must also enter a message. This message is displayed if a user uses a value that is not permitted.

      You can apply the following quick filters, for example:

      !0 (not equal to zero)

      >0 (positive value)

    • Layout

      Profit enforces the selected method. If, for example, you select everything in lower case, Profit will automatically change any entry in UPPER-CASE LETTERS to lower-case letters. There are also settings for UPPER-CASE LETTERS, for entering I.N.I.T.I.A.L.S. and Last names. You can also enforce that only numbers or only letters are permitted.

  4. Click on: OK.

    When you exit the field, your input changes into lower-case letters.

Directly to

  1. Veldinstellingen beheerder
  2. Authorise administrator field settings
  3. Set a field as mandatory
  4. Make a field visible/invisible
  5. Undo administrator field settings
  6. Input assistant