Translate jobs

You can translate the description of jobs in Profit. The language setting for the employee or employer determines the language of the description of the job in the reports.


The description you record per job, applies to all employees. If you want you can deviate from this:

  • You want to display a translated description for all employees of a particular employer

    You translate the description of the jobs and select the language for that employer. If you wish to include the translated description on the pay slip, add a separate pay slip and link it to the employer.

  • You wish to display a translated description for certain employees of a particular employer

    You translate the description of the jobs and select the language for those employees. If you wish to include the translated description on the pay slip, add a separate pay slip and use scripting to make all descriptions in the slip language dependent. This scripting only applies to the field labels, not to the content. You link this pay slip to the employer.

Also see