Create a downloadable file

You can add a downloadable file on a site.

The maximum size of downloadable files is 30 MB.

For the addition of a downloadable file, you also select a page type. Page types are only available if you have activated them in the site properties.

To create a downloadable file:

  1. Log on and start Site management.
  2. Click on: New.
  3. Click on: Downloadable file.
  4. Enter the description.
  5. Click on: Add
  6. Click on: Publish.
  7. Click on Yes in the message.

    You still need to add the page to the menu so the page is also visible.

  8. Click on: Menu in the Site frame.
  9. Go to: the position in the menu where you want to display the page.
  10. Click on: New.
  11. Select the action Refer to existing page.
  12. Click on: Next.
  13. Select the added page using Search.


    Pages that have not yet been published can be found at the very bottom of the overview. Click on the 'Published' column header to reverse the sorting. Now the unpublished pages are at the top.

  14. Select how you want to open the page.

    The added page is now visible in the menu.

  15. Click on: Add
  16. Close the menu.  

See also

Directly to

  1. Add a page
  2. Add a document
  3. Add an overview
  4. Create a downloadable file
  5. Create an external page
  6. Add a page
  7. Edit a document as site manager
  8. Maintain a page
  9. Change the page properties