Overview page for selection

You can add an overview page per user so that user A sees a different view than user B. For this, you add a new page per overview to which you link a selection.

The selections must be present in Profit Windows for you to be able to select them.

To add an overview page per selection:

In this example we add a view named Mijn taken for another user.

  1. Log on and start Site management.
  2. Click on: New.

    You do this in the Page frame.

  3. Select Overview page.
  4. Click on: Next.
  5. Select Dossier in Page type.
  6. In Based on, select Mijn taken.
  7. Enter the description.
  8. Click on: Next.
  9. You can now enter the keywords.
  10. Click on: Next.
  11. Select the selection that is allowed to display this view.
  12. Click on: Add
  13. Close the menu.
  14. Open the menu to which you have added the overview in the menu bar.
  15. Open the new overview page.
  16. Click on: Publish.
  17. Click on: Yes.

Directly to

  1. Change overviews (views) in InSite
  2. Add an overview
  3. Adjust the fields in an overview
  4. Modify the overview properties
  5. Set up a simple view with hyperlinks
  6. Set up a list view of an overview
  7. Multiple overviews on a page
  8. Overview pages based on other overviews
  9. Add a search view