Multiple packagings

You can link various packagings and returnable packagings to the same article. You do this for the unit. You can also link various packagings and returnable packagings per unit. What is important in this, is the Factor that determines how much of the packaging is used for the unit selected. You can link up to five different packagings per article per unit.

Example:Factor and division by a packaging article

For the article brown bread, the basic unit Bread bag is added to which the following applies: Packaging 1 = bread bag with quantity/factor = 1.

Brown bread is an article that is is supplied in bags and crates. To the bread crate unit of this article the following applies:

  • Packaging 1 = bread bag with quantity/factor = 1.
  • Packaging 2 = returnable packaging crate with quantity/factor = 20 for which you select the Distribution check box. If you sell 100 loaves of bread, these are packed in 100/20 = 5 crates.
  • This unit has been defined as containing 20 basic units and can be used for the price calculation and to determine the stock.

    A whole loaf of bread is sold in a bread bag. Twenty loaves of bread are packed into a crate and delivered to the customer, Koninklijke Exhibitions B.V. There is a deposit on the crate which is therefore considered returnable packaging. The bakery that supplies the bread wants to know where these crates are,and therefore it maintains a returnable packaging administration for the bread crates.

In this example a bakery sells whole loaves of brown bread to a supermarket. You use only the specific packaging article fields.


Add the Bread bag packaging article

A whole loaf of bread is sold in a bread bag.

To add the Bread bag packaging article:

  1. Go to: Order Management / Item / Article.
  2. Add the Bread bag (VP100098) packaging article.

  3. Open the properties of the packaging article.
  4. If applicable, complete the specific fields for the packaging settings.
  5. Click on: OK.

Add the returnable packaging Crate

A returnable packaging has the setting Packaging and a deposit amount. You can also indicate that you want to maintain the returnable packaging administration so that you know which sales contacts hold returnable packagings.

To add 'Crate' as a returnable packaging article:

  1. Go to: Order Management / Item / Article.
  2. Add the returnable packaging articleCrate.
  3. Open the properties of the returnable packaging article.
  4. If applicable, complete the specific fields for this returnable packaging:

  5. Click on: OK.

Link the 'Brown bread' article to packaging articles

To link the 'Brown bread' article to packaging articles:

  1. Go to:r Order Management / Item / Article.
  2. Open the properties of the article.
  3. Go to the tab: Units per item.
  4. Open the properties of the unit.
  5. Go to the tab: Packaging.
  6. Copy the following data:

    The factor decides the number of packages delivered in the packaging.


    Factor for packaging material

    For the article white bread, the basic unit Bag for white bread has been created for which the following applies: Packaging 1 = bread bag with quantity/factor = 1.

    White bread is an article that is is supplied in bags and crates. For the bread crate unit of this article the following applies:

  • Packaging 1 = bread bag with quantity/factor = 1.
  • Packaging 2 = crate with quantity/factor = 20 for which you select the Distribution check box. Thus if you sell 100 loaves of bread, these are packaged in 100/20 = 5 crates.
  • This unit has been defined as containing 20 basic units and can be used for the price calculation and to determine the stock.

  1. Click on: OK.

Add a sales order

To add a sales order:

  1. Add a sales order for the sale of 100 loaves of brown bread.
  2. Complete the sales order.
  3. Click on the Packaging action (at the bottom of the screen).

You can see that together with the 100 loaves, 100 bread bags and 5 crates are also 'sold'. For the 5 crates, there is a charge of € 5 per crate. The charge is refunded to the customer when he returns the crates.

Generate a packing slip

To generate a packing slip:

  1. Generate the packing slip.
  2. Complete the packing slip.

The returnable packaging administration is updated for the packing slip line that has been reported as ready.

Check the returnable packaging administration

In theory, the customer Koninklijke Exhibitions B.V. (10032) should now have 5 bread crates in his possession. You can check this in the returnable package administration.

To check the returnable packaging administration:

  1. Go to:Order Management / Stock / Packaging administration.
  2. Select the sales contact, in this case 10032.
  3. Press: F5.

    You now see an overview of the returnable packagings that the customer should have in his possession.

The 5 bread crates in which the 100 loaves of brown bread were delivered are specified in the returnable packaging administration.

Directly to

  1. Configuration
  2. View articles, costs, assembled items, etc. in multiple modules
  3. Item authorisation
  4. Use articles, costs, assembled items, etc.