Create an assembly proposal

If you carry out the assembly yourself, you can automatically generate an assembly preparation as soon as a stock shortage for the assembled items occurs.

This works in the same way as the order proposal for purchasing/sales. For assemblies, the proposal for the preparation of the assembly is called the Production proposal.

You may first have to authorise this action. Follow the procedure for authorising actions.

By default, all assembled items to be assembled from the assembly proposal are included in a single assembly preparation. You can also configure the assembly proposal so that it is distributed over various assembly preparations per assembled item.

To create an assembly proposal automatically:

  1. Go to: Order Management / Item / Assembled item.
  2. Add a new assembled item.
  3. Open the properties of the assembled item.
  4. Go to the tab: Stock.
  5. Select a stock profile or set the stock check and order proposal fields manually:
  6. Select the Stock replenishment check box.
  7. In Minimum stock, enter the minimum stock level for the item, for example, 1.
  8. In Supplement to, enter the stock level up to which you want to assemble/purchase new items, for example 2.
  9. Select Check for available stock (sales order and packing slip) for Stock check.
  10. In Profit, no stock profile is supplied with these settings. If you use these settings frequently, you can set up your own stock profile.
  11. Select Produce as Stock replenishment method.
  12. Complete the remaining fields.
  13. Click on: Finish.

To generate an assembly proposal:

The assembled item does not yet have stock. You can now make an assembly proposal for this.

  1. Go to: Order Management / Production / Production order.
  2. Click on the action: Production proposal.
  3. Click on the action: Select.

    Item_Assemblagevoorbereiding automatisch toevoegen 3

    In the assembled item you have just set the minimum stock to 1 and the stock replenishment to 2. You now see a new line in the assembly proposal for 2 pieces of the assembled item.

  4. Click on: Finish.

    Next, the data is processed after which you receive a message stating that a new assembly preparation has been added. You can now assemble the assembled item.

  5. Click on: OK.

    If there is not enough stock for one of the parts of the assembly preparation, you receive the message (if this has been set up for the articles) that you must check the stock.

  6. Click on: OK.
  7. Click on: Cancel.

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You now see the new assembly preparation in the view.

If you received the message that one or more of the assembled item parts has insufficient stock, you can now generate an order proposal for the parts that you need to purchase. You can also decide to select the 'Incl. assembly' check box so that the lines from the assembly are proposed for purchase. In this case, the stock replenishment method should be set to 'Purchase' or to 'Purchase or assemble’ for the assembled item and the articles should also have the correct setting for order proposal.

Once the assembled item has been assembled by your assembly department, you add the assembly.

Directly to

  1. Assembly preparation
  2. Set up an assembly proposal
  3. Add an assembly preparation manually
  4. Create an assembly preparation using an assembly proposal
  5. Assembly alternates between purchasing with the order proposal and assembling with the assembly proposal