Payroll payment order letter

After generating the payment files, you can generate an order letter.

If you are using SEPA, then a sum for the account numbers does not appear on the order letter. The account numbers sum is an integrity feature for payments via ClieOp files. This no longer exists in a SEPA payment file. In the SEPA order letter, Profit shows the sum of account numbers in a SHA1 hash.

To generate an order letter for payments:

  1. Go to: HR / Payroll / Payment cockpit.
  2. Open the properties of the payment line.
  3. Select the payment file.
  4. Click on the action: Order letter.

    Profit generates the order letter.

See also

Directly to

  1. Payment file (Payment cockpit)
  2. Configure Payroll payments
  3. View payments
  4. Maintain payments
  5. Generate a payment file per employer
  6. Generate a collective payment file
  7. Payroll payment order letter
  8. Regenerate a payment file