Add drafts

After you have reported the actual costing lines ready you can add drafts manually. If a 'Not completed' draft is present for the sales contact, Profit adds the selected lines to this draft.

You can use this functionality if it turns out that a debtor is not present in the drafts. In the daily process you will mainly add drafts from the actual costing lines.


You cannot invoice drafts with international VAT rates.

Multiple administrations

If you work with multiple administrations and in the invoicing settings you have indicated that you want to work with multiple financial administrations in Profit Projecten, you must select the correct administration when adding a draft. The drafts generated then only relate to projects in this administration. Profit determines the Administration for printing and journalising the invoice, according to a hierarchy:

Profit first checks the header of the entry layout, followed by the project, the project group, the default sales contact profile and the invoicing settings respectively.

To add a draft manually:

  1. Go to: Projects / Invoicing / Drafts.
  2. Click on: New.
  3. Select a value for Administration.
  4. Complete the remaining fields.

    When generating, the draft date is used as the project end date.

  5. Click on: Finish.
  6. Open the properties of the draft..
  7. Complete the fields.
  8. Click on: Finish.

    You are now asked if you want to release the draft for invoicing.

Directly to

  1. Draft invoicing
  2. Configure the draft invoicing
  3. Add drafts
  4. Edit drafts
  5. Review drafts
  6. Print drafts
  7. Release drafts for invoicing
  8. Block drafts for invoicing
  9. Postpone drafts for invoicing
  10. Complete outstanding drafts
  11. Generate project invoices