Link an hourly wage factor and the like to a project and/or employee

You link the hourly wage factor and, if applicable, the hourly wage factor discount from the tables to a project and/or employee. If necessary, you also specify the work type/cost type.


You link the hourly wage factor and, if applicable, the hourly wage factor discount from the tables to a project and/or employee.

The hourly wage factor, the discount and the surcharge are preferably specified at the highest level, the project level. In this case all hours entered on this project are multiplied by the hourly wage factor, and suchlike. If you want to deviate from this for particular employees, you specify this for these individual employees. The employee settings then take preference over the project setting. The project hourly wage factor applies for employees for whom nothing has been set.

However, if you want, you can also choose to set the hourly wage factor for individual employees.

  • Set the hourly wage factor at the project level

    Go to the properties of the project and specify the hourly wage factor combination that applies after you have configured the table(s) with the hourly wage factor, etc.

  • Set the hourly wage factor per employee

    For the employee you can set the hourly wage factor combination (factor, reduced factor, surcharge) and the hourly wage discount to calculate the sales price based on the hourly wage. The employee settings take precedence over the same settings that have been specified at the project level. However, you can also only configure them at the employee level.

Also see
  • Authorise a tab

    You authorise the Surcharge and margin tab in the Authorisation tool to use the Hourly wage factor and surcharge tab in the properties of the employee.