Sales contact item code

You can link the item codes your sales contact uses to your own item codes. When printing a quotation, order, packing slip or invoice, instead of printing your own item codes, you can print the item codes of your sales contact.



Sales contacts may require that you use their item codes instead of your own item codes. You then add the item codes of the sales contact. You enter the item code and item description used by the sales contact in question and then link this to your own item code.

You can use the item codes that you record for a sales contact in the order process. In the order reports you can print the item codes and item descriptions of your sales contacts instead of your own item codes and descriptions.


  • Add a sales contact's item code

    In Profit you record per item the default item code to use internally for the orders and deliveries of your products and services. Some sales contacts prefer you to use the article code they use for the article on for example the sales order, packing slip or invoice.

Also see