Release a blocked quotation

A quotation can be blocked for various reasons, for example, because checks have been set in the entry layout that can lead to a blocking. You can release blocked quotations using the Release quotation action. You can authorise this action.

To release a blocked quotation:

  1. Go to: Order Management / Sales process / Sales quotation.
  2. Select the blocked quotation.
  3. Click on the action: Release.
  4. Select the entry layout to be used.

    The window for entering/editing appears.

  5. Click on: Release.

Profit releases the order. After releasing the quotation, you can finalise it.

Directly to

  1. Quotation
  2. Activate the Quotation functionality
  3. Configuration
  4. Add a quotation
  5. Add a quotation by copying lines
  6. View a quotation
  7. Release a blocked quotation
  8. Make a new version of a quotation
  9. Finalise a quotation
  10. Issue a quotation to a sales contact
  11. Approve a quotation
  12. Expire a quotation
  13. Add an order from a quotation
  14. Import a sales quotation