Sales representative

You add sales representatives if you want to link sales representatives to you sales contacts. If necessary you can calculate commission for the sales representatives.

You can also calculate commissions on commission, by linking a maximum of two other sales representatives to a sales representative with a set percentage for their commissions. You do this for example, if your sales manager also receive commissions on the basis of the results achieved by his sales representatives.

To add a sales representative:

In this example we add the sales representative Bob Siersma.

  1. Go to: Order Management / Sales / Configuration / Sales representative.
  2. Click on: New.
  3. In Sales representative enter a code, for example.
  4. Enter the Description, for example the name of the sales representative.
  5. In Provision 1 (%) enter the percentage over the direct sales that the sales representative is entitled to.

    If applicable, enter a second and third commission percentage. This percentage is used for sales made by a different sales representative and in which case the sales representative is mentioned as the second or third sales representative.

    The afore-mentioned second (or third) sales representative receives the commission percentage specified for him over the sales that have been realised by the new sales representative.

  6. Select the Organisation/person.

    If the employee is known as a person in Profit HR, you can link the personal details of the employee to the sales representative.

  7. Click on: Finish.

To link a sales representative to a sales contact:

  1. Go to: Order Management / Sales / Sales contact.
  2. Open the view: Sales contacts/debtors.
  3. Open the properties of the sales contact.
  4. Go to the tab: General.
  5. Select the sales representative.
  6. Click on: OK.

Directly to

  1. Configure a sales contact
  2. Set up auto-numbering
  3. Set up a sales contact profile
  4. Add a payment condition
  5. Add a transporter
  6. Add a sales representative
  7. Set preferred values for sales contacts
  8. Set or view a credit limit for a sales contact/debtor