Test the 'BAPI' - communication service connection

You check whether Profit is able to establish a connection with the tax authority on the basis of the ‘BAPI’ communication profile.

Testing a connection is only worthwhile if you have executed the following steps:

  • You have imported the PKI certificates from KPN into Profit.
  • You have recorded the tax authority’s mailbox in Profit.
  • You have linked the mailbox to the PKI certificates.
  • You have opened the 110 and 587 ports on the server.

    The TLS security method must be supported. You can also use the SSL method. You can set this up the properties of the BAPI profile. Select the method desired in the Security type field in the Settings tab.

To test the connection:

  1. Open the environment that you use as the communication environment.
  2. Go to: General / Communication service / Communication profile.
  3. Select the Communication with tax authority (BAPI) communication profile.
  4. Click on the action: Test connection.

    If the connection with the tax authority was established successfully, the tax authority will issue a message accordingly. If not, check the configuration in Profit. Also check whether or not you have opened the ports 110 and 587 on the server.


    If you were unable to establish a connection, you can manually check whether the right ports were opened on the server:

  • Port 587 must be open for an outbound request to the tax authority’s SMTP server.
  • Port 110 must be open for an outbound request to the tax authority’s POP server.

Manual port check:

  1. To test whether port 587 is open:
    1. Open a DOS window.
    2. Execute the following command:

      telnet smtp.bapi.belastingdienst.nl 587

    3. Press: Enter. 
    4. As soon as you receive the message '220 prodrob16.bmsg.nl ESMTP Service <7.0.043> ready’, for example, you can communicate.
  2. To test whether port 110 is open:
    1. Open a DOS window.
    2. Execute the following command:

      telnet mail.bapi.belastingdienst.nl 110

    3. Press Enter. 
    4. If you receive, for example, the following message you can communicate correctly:

Directly to

  1. Configure the exchange with the tax authority for ‘BAPI’ PKI (communication service)
  2. 'KPN’ subscriber
  3. Apply for a ‘BAPI PKI' certificate
  4. Import a ‘BAPI PKI' certificate
  5. Apply for a ‘BAPI PKI' post box
  6. Link a ‘BAPI PKI' post box to a certificate
  7. Configure a post box
  8. Test a connection