E-mail an organisation or person

You can quickly send an e-mail message using the e-mail address recorded in the contact data of an organisation or person.

This e-mail message is not saved in Profit. If you send an e-mail message that is based on a dossier item, you can however save the message in the dossier.

To e-mail an organisation or person:

  1. Go to: CRM / Organisation/person / Organisation/person.
  2. Go to the tab: Communication.
  3. Select a line with an e-mail address.
  4. Click on the action: E-mail.
  5. You can send the e-mail as follows:
    • Default procedure

      Profit starts your e-mail program and you can write and send a message.

    • AFAS Online

      You send the e-mail message using a wizard.

Directly to

  1. Communication data
  2. Add communication data
  3. Set a communication number or address as the preference
  4. Change communication data
  5. Add a social network address
  6. View a social network address
  7. E-mail an organisation or person